You’ve escaped the lions clutches
Claws tearing, teeth snatching, ripping you apart. You’ve made the break, you’ve broken free How do you stay away from the jungle’s heart? Fear descends, panic, pain, tension At the thought of returning to the lion’s den. Eyes wide open, pre-empting the attack You don’t want to go back to that space again. Tears cascade down your face Tension jumps in to your bones. Please learn the skills of how To stay in your new-found safe internal home. Your friends all know the real you, They were shocked to see you dissolve. They know you as strong, proud and fun They don’t understand what evolved. Please let them never be in that space Where they’re told they’re loved but are wrong. Where they’re bullied, then loved, then slammed down, then held Where they’re actually not respected all along. Where their life doesn’t exist And their thoughts are muddled Where their needs are on hold, where they cannot express Because their focus is always on ‘the other’. Don’t let the hammer slam on your head And crumble your stable ground. How can you open up the tangled fronds? And retain the peace you’ve found How can you do this when you return? To the life you’ve been in, so jagged and dense. You’re fearful of what is around you there Dense foliage, oppressive, dark, silent, tense. How do you stay free and calm? How do you stay with who you are? How do you remain happy and light? How do you mend your scars? .................................................................. You don’t go back. Ever. You stay in the new place you’ve found. Even though the geography and landmarks might be the same The people around you are different and sound. You don’t stay with people that damage You think of yourself, not them The one act of leaving is hard, I know But with time, you will rise and be strong again. There will be times where you feel the tension crash in. Recognise the damage that’s been done. Look at what’s happening, give yourself a hug With work, what’s been done to you can be undone. Learn new skills of how to think about yourself Take time, be patient; the best learning is slow. Be kind to yourself, don’t worry about mistakes Just stay on that road, and grow. If you slip, don’t feel inadequate or hopeless Don’t let your confidence wane All learning involves mistakes But, always, get up and continue, again. So what is this language and country that’s foreign What are the skills you will learn? They involve self-love, boundaries, assertiveness, respect All qualities you will learn to discern. When you next feel threatened, look from inside. Remain strong and pure. Face it full on with integral strength If you stand still, and peaceful, you’ll avoid the lure. It cannot reach you if you remain true to yourself. It will slip off and not stick. No matter what anyone says or does Your mind will give it the flick. If anyone attacks you, breathe slowly and deep Stay calm, strong and true. Smile and hold onto yourself Be you. Keep your mind strong, peaceful and free Your soul open and huge. Don’t let it be shrivelled, constricted and small This is something you will lose. Have no fear of criticism, attack and disapproval Deflect it like water bouncing off stone. Respect yourself first, hold on to yourself Because your soul will have opened, it will have grown. Be you, because it is who you are Say what you think and feel without being hurt. Have confidence in your thoughts, Without being on edge, frightened, alert. Look to your dear friends They know the real you. They love you for who you are Share their respect; for it’s true. Be free, to be the person that shines Be brave and put your face to the sun. Show your immense love and strength Integrity, honour – and fun. You are fine as you are, you are good, you are OK You don’t have to justify any more. You can smile, you can give, you can be open and true You have your feet firmly planted on the floor. Life is so precious, time is so short Be what is naturally you. You’ve been given a gift; your life to share With someone that respects you through and through. Stand up for what you believe in State your needs with pride. Look after yourself, first, And strengthen what’s inside. Have courage. Have faith. Stand strong and tall. Be who you are with clarity. And you won’t fall.
Is it really morn?
My body still rests in heavy slumber While my eyes glimpse fettered light as they slowly welcome the day And my brain disputes the logic of the clock. The logic clock. Brain adjusts to a day seemingly far earlier than it was yesterday. But I rise; to a beautiful chill of nature’s fresh day. Looking out of the window what will I see? Crystallised frost on car roofs with iced windscreens? Or rain-soaked road with droplets collected where they fell? Or best of all, the sun slicing through natures rays in bolts from above. A hot shower heralds the swift transition from chill to pure heat Which stays in my flesh as I dress - to end up too hot. How is it possible to be hot on such a fresh day? But it’s welcome. An instant blanket of insulation before embracing outside. The birds are waiting already, greedy for their autumn breakfast. The car heating system roars unendingly, breathing on the condensation Rasping, loud, constant, until the heat takes hold And external views are only possible after blading all the glass Front: leaning over the bonnet, mindful of keeping clothes away Side and back: by now hands are numb, damp and cold. Soon the car is a furnace of heat, thawing the damp As the wheels roll over a carpet of orange, green and brown leaves Which leap in to the air as we pass through, only to settle once more for the next disturbance. We travel through avenues of majestic colour, like a tunnel Such beauty only visible at this annual time. And then we are there. Wheels crunch to a stop, and silence descends. Stillness. Heavy air lingering, creating a muffled silence. The car door, my boots, the russell of my jacket, my feet, my breath: the only sounds As I head towards beauty’s call Through the gate to a paradise of nature, not disturbed by humans since the dark cold night. In the distance I hear the sawing rasp, in turn, melodious; deep and low The stags are rutting, with their voices carrying through the still damp air. What night have they had? The families of deer, in turn, themselves waking to the day I’m an early intruder in to their solitude of badgers, foxes and pheasants. Not forgetting the skylark, now awake, high above, so hard to see but a constant voice. As I approach further in, my eyes can’t comprehend the beauty of simplicity around me Cobweb after cobweb strung across gauze and thorned bushes A world of its own, crisply visible through the struggling sun. They are miraculously formed, with no host spider in sight But wow, have they been busy over the past few hours. And I continue on my walk, savouring the magic of my solitude with nature Before I have to enter the working world and the beauty is lost to the day. What follows is nine hours of practicality and function Before the light shivers away, fast, once more. And life returns to a chasm of blackness, harsh, with odd shadows of early night. Again, I walk home from work, in dark, when only a few weeks ago It was daylight, with warmth still in the sun’s force But it’s with the thought of my welcome open fire with logs now dry Hopefully having deposited the woodlice before entering my home And so begins the evening, for a house now thawing from the day. This is the time most sharply in contrast with summer. Immediately, one room is sectioned off, for heating and warmth While the rest of the house lays dormant, dead to any change. Dinner starts to be prepared, the fire takes hold And the evening gets ready for cocooned hibernation. Eventually, a bath to rid me of the days damp and cold toes A dinner to warm and still my hungry needy tummy And a varying ‘while’ reading in front of the flames jumping Or listening to wonderful music, while watching the live show Of the fire dancing to its own rhythm of artistry It is bed time once more. With my welcome friends the hot water bottles Sandwiched between feet and clutched to my tummy. So, quietness descended again, with just cold nose protruding from the duvet Until it is again time to gently open my eyes to the new autumn day, with all it holds. |
Life scribblesLike paintings, words have the power to connect. I share my poems here with you in the hope that they benefit others. Posts
February 2023