Today, we farewelled a very dear friend of mine, David, this poem is in his honour and with my love.
Treasures of Gold Hello Twinkles! Man of dapper ware and lyrical tongue. Which pinpoint insight into me will you launch in my direction today? Sword drawn, your open challenge to engage. Now with slightly mellowed whit, with age. Front and centre focus I’m the fish on your hook Wriggling in the stirred water of our conversation Dancing on my toes Trying to bring your probe to a close. But you never let me loose so lightly As you care, with depth and love. Your dare, to go where many others don’t. You fish, you drill down, you pan for gold Presenting your nuggets with a grin, as they unfold. In turn, you ask for my counsel So I unfurl my map, offered to smooth your ruffled mind. With diplomacy shut out of the room We trade honesty back and forth, Sharing our truths Our eyes, attention and words becoming balm to soothe. My dear treasured friend Man of mind, fragility and strength. I’m gasping for air at the sudden swift loss of our known regular constant. The door is shut firm, it is gone. Thank you. For decade upon decade with an open ear. I will keep you near, my David-dear. And in my mind You will find Our treasures of gold. These I shall closely hold For you and me to keep And to share with you when you visit me in my sleep. Come soon. Please. Rest, dear friend, it’s good you’re now at ease. And if you’re looking down from above Know that, by many, you were deeply loved.
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Life scribblesLike paintings, words have the power to connect. I share my poems here with you in the hope that they benefit others. Posts
February 2023